The Role of a Rodeo Queen
Holding a queen title is much like holding a job. It requires dedication and sacrifice, however the rewards are endless. A rodeo queen is a role model to all young ladies, regardless if they grew up in the western lifestyle. A rodeo queen is a young lady who upholds herself with grit and grace. A rodeo queen is an ambassador to the sport of rodeo, her local sponsoring rodeo, and her community. A rodeo queen is a leader for the younger title holders under her. A rodeo queen is an educator on the sport of rodeo and the western lifestyle. While a rodeo queen is a cowgirl, she first must be a lady.
The Sheridan WYO Rodeo royalty not only make rodeo appearances, but are involved in the community through public speaking in regards to the sport of rodeo, what it takes to be a rodeo queen, and what Sheridan County has to offer, emphasizing the importance of setting goals in life and working hard to achieve them and where they can take you. In addition, the royalty volunteer their time doing public service for fundraisers and other charity and youth organizations around the community, which have included, Joey's Fly Fishing Foundation, CHAPS, RENEW, Community Christmas Dinner, Toys For Tots, Rocky Mountain Elks Foundation, Friends of the Library, Pheasants Forever, and the Wild Turkey Federation.
I want to be a rodeo queen... where do I start?
Here are the first steps you can take to start to prepare for competing for a rodeo queen title.
1. Study rodeo and horse knowledge. Know the history of rodeo, understand the events, learn who the past and current champions are, and become familiar with who is currently competing. Know the parts of your saddle, bridle, tack, etc. Know the anatomy of a horse.
2. If you have never yourself competed in a rodeo, put yourself in rodeo environments, especially behind the scenes so you can familiarize yourself with rodeo. Volunteer to help out at local rodeos which will give you a better understanding of rodeo.
3. Improve your horsemanship skills. Join 4-H, a local riding club, take lessons, or spend as much time on horseback as you can working on the skills needed for the reigning patterns in the competitions. Even if you are working cows on the ranch, you can still be mindful and focus on your riding skills.
4. Begin to build your "wardrobe". Study photos of state rodeo queens and Miss Rodeo America to learn what western styles are appropriate for rodeo queen attire and looks. You can purchase used rodeo queen clothing from many past rodeo queens. Facebook is a good way to start.
5. Practice "modeling" in western boots with a dress heel preferably. Model in front of friends and family members so it becomes natural.
6. Be knowledgable on current events and practice having conversations on current topics.
7. Have friends and family members ask you impromptu questions about everything under the sun and you answer them with more than a one word answer.
8. Know your goals in life and be able to answer why you want to be a rodeo queen.
9. Enter a local rodeo royalty competition. If you don't win, chalk it up to experience and do it again the next year. Eventually your hard work will pay off and you will earn your title. Just don't give up, if that is truly your dream.