Sheridan WYO Rodeo Pagaent and Queen's Social .....we hope to see you all there!
2024 Sheridan WYO Rodeo Royalty Schedule
(subject to change)
Thursday, June 27th
Dress Rehearsal - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm WYO Theater (Judges need not be present)
Address: 42 N. Main St.; Sheridan, WY
Thursday, June 27th
Horsemanship Competition - 5:30 pm - AgriPark Sheridan College Arena
Address: 1 Chris LeDoux Way; Sheridan
Note* Queen contestants be ready to saddle at 4:30 pm. Saddling competition
Friday, June 28th
Personal Interviews and Written Exam 10-12 am WYO Theater
Address: 42 N. Main St.; Sheridan
Friday, June 28th
Pageant - Stage Portion - 5:30pm - WYO Theater
and Tiny Miss Stage Portion!
Queen’s Social - 7:00 - 8:00 pm - WYO Theater
Light dinner Provided
Coronation - 8:00 pm WYO Theater
TINY MISS RODEO INFO: For those interested in having there little girls participating is Tiny Miss Portion, Come be a part of the Sheridan WYO Rodeo Royalty Pageant Tiny Miss Rodeo for girls under age 10. Entry Fee is $10.00. All participants will receive a banner and a crown. Participant is required to model on stage a western outfit. Must be a WESTERN outfit in order to participate. If participant does not feel comfortable doing this alone, one of the current Sheridan WYO Rodeo Royalty will be able to assist on stage. On a 3x5 notecard write down name and age of child and parents for introduction purposes. Bring card and payment to the Sheridan WYO Rodeo Royalty Interviews on June 28th between 10am and 12pm at the WYO Theater. Tiny Miss portion will take place during the Pageant on June 28th starting at 5:30 at the WYO Theater.
To register or have questions email: wyorodeoroyalty@gmail.com or message us on Facebook

2024 Appearance & Personality Clinic
May 28 from 5-7 pm
Please join us and clinician, Reata Cook, Miss Rodeo Wyoming 2023, for our annual appearance & personality clinic. Improve your public speaking skills, get tips to practice for a personal interview, information and examples for appearance, and hands on practice as we help you learn some basic modeling routines to help you prepare for any upcoming rodeo royalty competition.
Your presence and support are greatly appreciated!
Clinic Price: $10 ​
To register: Please email: wyorodeoroyalty@gmail.com
Thank you!
Date: May 28th
Location: Highland Park Elementary School
Time: 5:00- 7:00 pm (snacks will be provided)

2024 Horsemanship Clinic
April 21st from 1-5 pm
Please join us for our annual horsemanship clinic. Become a better rider, improve your horsemanship skills, and gain experience and knowledge to help you prepare for any upcoming rodeo royalty competition.
Your presence and support are greatly appreciated!
Clinic Price: $10 ​
To register: Please email: wyorodeoroyalty@gmail.com
Thank you!
Date: April 21, 2024
Location: Guynn Training Center, LLC
1112 Hwy 14, Banner WY 82832
Time: 1:00-5:00pm
Horsemanship includes foundation and pattern work with Guynn Training and Miss Rodeo Wyoming, 2023, Reata Cook will go over equine and rodeo knowledge.

Appearance & Personality Clinic
May 28th
Horsemanship Clinic
April 21st